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Loads team colors, and logos - useful for plots!




A tibble of team-level abbreviations, image URLs, and hex color codes.

See also

Issues with this data should be filed here:


# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 33 × 20
#>    team_name      team_location team_mascot team_abbr team_id_num team_logo_espn
#>    <chr>          <chr>         <chr>       <chr>           <dbl> <chr>         
#>  1 Arizona Diamo… Arizona       Diamondbac… AZ                109 https://a.esp…
#>  2 Atlanta Braves Atlanta       Braves      ATL               144 https://a.esp…
#>  3 Baltimore Ori… Baltimore     Orioles     BAL               110 https://a.esp…
#>  4 Boston Red Sox Boston        Red Sox     BOS               111 https://a.esp…
#>  5 Chicago Cubs   Chicago       Cubs        CHC               112 https://a.esp…
#>  6 Chicago White… Chicago       White Sox   CWS               145 https://a.esp…
#>  7 Cincinnati Re… Cincinnati    Reds        CIN               113 https://a.esp…
#>  8 Cleveland Gua… Cleveland     Guardians   CLE               114 https://a.esp…
#>  9 Colorado Rock… Colorado      Rockies     COL               115 https://a.esp…
#> 10 Detroit Tigers Detroit       Tigers      DET               116 https://a.esp…
#> # ℹ 23 more rows
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: team_scoreboard_logo_espn <chr>,
#> #   team_cap_logo_on_light <chr>, team_cap_logo_on_dark <chr>,
#> #   team_dot_logo <chr>, team_color <chr>, team_color2 <chr>,
#> #   team_color3 <chr>, team_color4 <chr>, team_color5 <chr>, team_league <chr>,
#> #   team_division <chr>, team_division_location <chr>, team_league_logo <chr>,
#> #   mlb_logo <chr>
# }