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Loads team information and logos - useful for plots!




A tibble of team-level abbreviations, image URLs, and league info for Minor League Baseball Teams.

See also

Issues with this data should be filed here:


# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 231 × 13
#>    team_name     team_location team_mascot team_abbr team_code team_id_num level
#>    <chr>         <chr>         <chr>       <chr>     <chr>           <int> <chr>
#>  1 DSL Arizona … DSL Arizona … DSL Arizon… D-ARR     dad              5087 Rook…
#>  2 DSL Arizona … DSL Arizona … DSL Arizon… D-ARB     dak               610 Rook…
#>  3 ACL D-backs   ACL D-backs   ACL D-backs A-DBA     adb              1991 Rook…
#>  4 Arizona Diam… Arizona       Diamondbac… AZ        ari               109 MLB  
#>  5 Reno Aces     Reno          Aces        RNO       ren              2310 AAA  
#>  6 Amarillo Sod… Amarillo      Sod Poodles AMA       ama              5368 AA   
#>  7 Hillsboro Ho… Hillsboro     Hops        HIL       hil               419 A+   
#>  8 Visalia Rawh… Visalia       Rawhide     VIS       vis               516 A    
#>  9 DSL Braves    DSL Braves    DSL Braves  D-BRV     dbr               605 Rook…
#> 10 FCL Braves    FCL Braves    FCL Braves  F-BRV     fbr               464 Rook…
#> # ℹ 221 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: league_name <chr>, parent_org_name <chr>,
#> #   parent_org_id <int>, team_logo <chr>, team_cap_logo_on_light <chr>,
#> #   team_dot_logo <chr>
# }